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Avoiding injury during your marathon training

Professor Courtney Kipps, Consultant in Sports and Exercise Medicine at Parkside Hospital, shares simple methods which you can incorporate into your daily training to help keep you running comfortably without leaving you vulnerable to injury.
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Returning to Normality – How to avoid Shoulder Injuries

We have all got used to a different way of living and working during the COVID pandemic restrictions. This has the potential to cause all sorts of musculoskeletal problems, such as back pain and neck pain. Here are a few tips on how to prevent and treat shoulder and arm problems.

Knee arthritis and cold weather

More than 10 million people in the UK have arthritis or similar conditions that affect the joints. Over half of these people experience pain every day that has a big impact on their life. Individuals who live in cold climates often report more troublesome symptoms of arthritis than those living in warmer areas.